Secure Multi-Party Computation

March–August 2022

Secure Multi-Party Computation

Consider the situation where multiple parties jointly compute a function of their private inputs, e.g. calculating their average age. Some parties might be malicious and try to infer others’ inputs. They pool their information together (“passive attack”) or even deviate from the protocol (“active attack”). Moreover, the delivery of messages might be postponed/reordered (“asynchrony”).

How can the parties orchestrate the computation so that the inputs of benevolent parties are secure? We will start from scratch and build protocols against synchronous passive, synchronous active, and finally asynchronous active adversaries. Excitingly, all the protocols use only “elementary mathematics”: Some counting arguments, discrete probability, and polynomials over finite fields. Most of them do not even need cryptographic assumption!

The notes are based on a course by Dr. Martin Hirt.

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