

Algebraic Tools in Combinatorics

See algebra in action via bags of applications. Three genres of tools are collected: dimensional argument, roots of equation systems, and graph spectrum.

Digital Signatures

A deep dive into digital signature schemes with formal definitions and proofs.


Short expositions on various topics. Fit for a rainy afternoon.

Geometry: Combinatorics & Algorithms

A broad sample of discrete geometry, with an eye to both combinatorial properties and computational aspects.

Linear Algebra & Linear Programming

Pending... Intends to convey the intuitions in linear algebra. The theory of linear programming contributes a working example.

Probabilistic Tools in Combinatorics

Systematic investigation of probabilistic methods. Topics selection based on simplicity and elegancy.

Programming Languages

Theoretical studies of the design and construction of a programming language, with emphasis on typing systems.

Secure Multi-Party Computation

A mix of benevolent and malicious parties are engaged in a computational task, where each party provides an input. Is there a protocol that protects the input privacy of benevolent parties?

Theory of Computation

Classical materials in formal languages, automata, computability and basic complexity theory.