Linear Algebra & Linear Programming

Linear Algebra & Linear Programming

This series aims at exploring the intuitions and cores of linear systems. In particular, I hope to interleave my accounts on linear algebra with linear programming – a rich field of great theoretical significance that relies heavily on linear algebra. The reference materials that I’m using are

The outline is sketched below (and might be subject to changes):

  1. Equations and matrices: Viewing multiplication as vector processing; Gauss-Jordan elimination and its consequence on matrix decomposition.
  2. Linear space: Exploiting the structure of solution to AX=b; rank, dimension and basis.
    • with an appendix on general theory of linear space
    • application in graph theory
  3. Linear programming fundamentals: Standard form of LP; basic feasible solutions, stressing connections with previous chapter.
  4. Orthogonality: Why is projection useful?
  5. Simplex method for LP: Geometry intuition and proof of correctness.
  6. Duality theorem for LP: Intuition; a proof from Simplex method, and a proof from Farkas lemma.
  7. Eigenvalues and eigenvectors.
  8. Determinant, permanent and their applications: Integral programming made simple, in particular Konig’s Theorem; finding and counting matchings.