Counting Faces
$$ \newcommand{\aff}{\operatorname{aff}} \newcommand{\conv}{\operatorname{conv}} \newcommand{\ker}{\operatorname{ker}} \renewcommand{\vec}[1]{\mathbf{#1}} $$

16 January 2022

Counting Faces

How many faces can a polytope in \(\Real^d\) with \(n\) vertices have? We collected two preliminary upper bounds last time:

But in 2D and 3D we have much better bounds. A two-dimensional polytope (i.e. polygon) always has \(O(n)\) faces. A three-dimensional polytope corresponds to a planar graph (imagine taking away a facet and dragging its boundary outwards until “everything else is encompassed” so that we could flatten the structure), and again #faces is \(O(n)\). Does this behaviour continues in higher dimensions?

Unfortunately no. In high dimensions live monsters. Cyclic polytopes are on the list.

Faces of Cyclic Polytope

Recall that the moment curve \(\Phi: \Real \to \Real^d\) is defined as \(\Phi(t) := (t, t^2, \dots, t^d)^\T\), and a cyclic polytope is the convex hull of some distinct points on the curve, namely \(P := \conv(T) = \set{\Phi(t_1), \dots, \Phi(t_n)}\). The observation below formalises that the moment curve is far from being “flat”.

Observation. Any \(d+1\) of these defining points are affinely independent.

Proof. Take any \(d+1\) defining points \(\set{\Phi(s_1), \dots, \Phi(s_{d+1})} \subseteq T\). By the “equality part” of Corollary 3 it suffices to prove that the matrix

\[\begin{pmatrix} \Phi(s_1) & \cdots & \Phi(s_{d+1}) \\ 1 & \cdots & 1 \end{pmatrix}\]

has full rank. But this is nothing but the Vandermonde matrix, whose determinant is non-zero because \(s_1, \dots, s_{d+1}\) are distinct. ∎

Corollary. Cyclic polytopes are simplicial.

Proof. Every facet contains at least \(d\) defining points. But it cannot contain \(d+1\) many due to our observation. So every facet is a simplex and we may conclude by Corollary 12. ∎

Now we have a feeling that a cyclic polytope could have many faces. But it does not stop the astonishment brought by the following theorem:

Theorem. In a cyclic polytope, every subset of \(\leq \lfloor d/2 \rfloor\) many defining points forms (i.e. “convex spans”) a face. Hence the total number of faces is \(\Omega(n^{d/2})\).

Proof. Take any defining points \(S := \set{ \Phi(s_1), \Phi(s_3), \dots, \Phi(s_{2\ell-1}) } \subseteq T\) where \(\ell \leq \lfloor d/2 \rfloor\) and \(s_1 < s_3 < \cdots < s_{2\ell-1}\). We interpolate a number between every adjacent pair, and then populate the sequence to length \(d\):

\[s_1 < \underline{s_2} < s_3 < \underline{s_4} < \cdots < s_{2\ell-1} < \underline{s_{2\ell}} < \underline{s_{2\ell+1} < \cdots < s_d}.\]

Here we ensure

We claim that the hyperplane

\[H: \begin{vmatrix} \vec{x} & \Phi(s_1) & \cdots & \Phi(s_d) \\ 1 & 1 & \cdots & 1 \end{vmatrix} = 0\]

supports a face \(\conv(S)\). To this end, we inspect the univariate polynomial

\[p(x) := \begin{vmatrix} \Phi(x) & \Phi(s_1) & \cdots & \Phi(s_d) \\ 1 & 1 & \cdots & 1 \end{vmatrix}.\]

Clearly it vanishes iff \(x = s_1, \dots, s_d\) by construction. Furthermore, all the \(p(t_j)\)’s have the same sign because of our interpolation scheme and continuity.

From here we see

So the proof is complete. ∎

Corollary. The vertex set is exactly \(T\). ∎

The theorem does not cover faces of dimension higher than \(d/2\); in particular it reveals no information about the facets. In fact, we may use the same idea to discuss facets; see the exercise.

Exercise. Prove the following theorem, known as Gale’s evenness condition:

Let \(S := \set{ \Phi(s_1), \dots, \Phi(s_d) } \subseteq T\) where \(s_1 < \cdots < s_d\). It forms a facet iff the number of \(t_j\)’s in the interval \((s_i, s_{i+1})\) is even, for all \(i \in [d-1]\).

McMullen’s Upper Bound Theorem

Now we have narrowed the gap between lower bound \(\Omega(n^{d/2})\) and upper bound \(O(n^d)\). What is the true answer? In a strikingly elegant result, McMullen showed that cyclic polytope is the worst monster. In other words, every polytope can have up to \(O(n^{d/2})\) many faces.

Our proof plan:

Gale duality

We will dive into linear algebra temporarily. Any matrix \(A = (\vec{a}_1, \dots, \vec{a}_n) \in \Real^{m \times n}\) induces a polytope \(P_A := \conv \set{\vec{a}_1, \dots, \vec{a}_n} \subseteq \Real^m\). We say \(A\) is compliant if

If we want to study the structure of a particular polytope \(P\), we may set the ambient space to \(\aff(P) \cong \Real^{\dim(P)}\) in which \(P\) has full dimension. Then, with appropriate shifting \(P\) can be centered at origin. So we could always find a matrix \(A \in \Real^{\dim(P) \times n}\) with \(P_A = P\). In this sense, compliant matrices are expressive as any other matrices.

The compliance condition can be restated in many other ways. Algebraic ones come handy for our purpose:

Exercise. Show that the three statements are equivalent:

  1. \(A\) is compliant;
  2. \(\rank \begin{pmatrix} A \\ \vec{1}^\T \end{pmatrix} = m+1\) and \(A \vec{1} = \vec{0}\);
  3. \(\rank(A) = m\) and \(A \vec{1} = \vec{0}\).

Now we state the notion of orthogonal duality (also known as Gale duality).

Definition. Let \(A \in \Real^{d \times n}\) and \(B \in \Real^{(n-(d+1)) \times n}\) be compliant matrices. We say they are orthogonal dual to each other, denoted \(A \perp B\), if \(AB^\T = O\).

Lemma 13. Every compliant matrix \(A\) has an orthogonal dual. In fact, the dual is unique up to linear transformation.

Proof. Denote \(A^+ := \begin{pmatrix} A \\ \vec{1}^\T \end{pmatrix}\). Since \(A\) is compliant, we have \(\rank(A^+) = d+1\) by the exercise. So \(\ker(A^+)\) has dimension \(n-(d+1)\) and we collect a basis \(B^\T := (\vec{b}_1, \dots, \vec{b}_{n-(d+1)})\). Note that \(B \in \Real^{(n-(d+1)) \times n}\) has our desired dimension. It is straightforward to check (using the fact that \(B\) is a basis of \(\ker(A^+)\))

So \(B\) is a compliant matrix and moreover an orthogonal dual of \(A\). (And it should be clear that all orthogonal duals of \(A\) are full-rank creatures in \(\ker(A^+)\), so they are the same up to linear transformation.) ∎

The procedure of Gale duality transform is depicted as follows:

Of course, the implementation of each step is up to you. But let us just fix our favourite implementation, as the argument below does not care.

Embracing sets

Next we describe the counterpart of faces in the dual picture. From now on we denote \(m := n - (d+1)\) to avoid clutter. We also assume implicitly that all things we consider are in general position to get rid of some details.

Definition. We call a set \(S \subseteq \Real^m\) embracing if \(\vec{0} \in \conv(S)\).

Lemma 14. Let \(A = (\vec{a}_1, \dots, \vec{a}_n)\in \Real^{d \times n}\) and \(B = (\vec{b}_1, \dots, \vec{b}_n) \in \Real^{m \times n}\) be orthogonal duals. Then for any \(I \subseteq [n]\), \(A_I := (\vec{a}_i)_{i \in I}\) forms a face of \(P_A\) iff \(B_{\overline{I}} := (\vec{b}_i)_{i \not\in I}\) is embracing.


(⟹) Let \(\vec{h}^\T \vec{x} + h_0 = \vec{0}\) be the supporting hyperplane for face formed by \(A_I\). That is, \(\vec{h}^\T \vec{a}_i + h_0 \geq 0\) with equality iff \(i \in I\). We write it in a more concise way:

\[\Lambda := A^\T \vec{h} + h_0 \vec{1} \geq \vec{0}.\]

Since \(\Lambda \neq \vec{0}\), we may rescale it to encode covex coefficients. Then

\[B \Lambda = BA^\T \vec{h} + h_0 B\vec{1} = \vec{0}\]

by properties of orthogonal dual. This shows \(\vec{0} \in \conv(B_{\overline{I}})\) since \(\Lambda\) is zero at coordinates \(I\).

(⟸) Assume \(B \Lambda = \vec{0}\) for some non-trivial \(\Lambda \geq 0\) with zeros at coordinates \(I\). So \(\Lambda \in \ker(B)\). Since \((A^\T, \vec{1})\) is a basis for \(\ker(B)\) (recall the proof of Lemma 13), we must conclude

\[\Lambda = (A^\T, \vec{1}) \begin{pmatrix} \vec{h} \\ h_0 \end{pmatrix} = A^\T \vec{h} + h_0 \vec{1}\]

for some non-trivial \(\vec{h}, h_0\). Then \(\vec{h}^\T \vec{x} + h_0 = 0\) is exactly the desired supporting hyperplane. ∎

With Lemma 14, we can turn to count the embracing sets in the dual picture.

Counting embracing sets

Define \(e_k := \# \text{embracing } R \in \binom{B}{k}\). The perhaps most brilliant idea is to invent a new dimension, lift the points up, and identify each embracing subset with a simplex in the lifted picture.

Now we do a double counting argument. Each embracing set identifies a unique embracing set \(\Delta \in \binom{B}{m+1}\); conversely, for each embracing \(\Delta \in \binom{B}{m+1}\), how many times it gets identified?

A direct answer might be difficult. But let us define a helper quantity. Let \(\beta_{\Delta}\) be the number of \(\vec{b} \in B\) whose lifting \(\ell(\vec{b})\) is below \(\aff(\ell(\Delta))\). Then \(\Delta\) is identified by exactly \(\binom{\beta_{\Delta}}{k-m-1}\) many embracing sets of size \(k\). So we can count

\[e_k = \sum_{\text{embracing }\Delta \in \binom{B}{m+1}} \binom{\beta_{\Delta}}{k-m-1} = \sum_{i=0}^{n-m-1} \binom{i}{k-m-1} h_i, \tag{$*$}\]

where we grouped \(h_i := \# \text{embracing } \Delta \in \binom{B}{m+1}: \beta_\Delta = i\).

So the problem reduces to upper bounding \(h_i\)’s. Also, observe that it gives a triangular linear system, so \(h_{0 \dots n-m-1}\) and \(e_{0 \dots n}\) uniquely determine each other. (\(e_{0 \dots m+1}\) are always zero due to general position assumption.) It means that \(h_{0 \dots n-m-1}\) are independent of the lifting map! Therefore, we could freely tailor the lifting map to our needs. The cute proposition below, though not quite useful for us, nicely illustrates the idea.

Proposition 15. \(h_i \geq 1\) for all \(i \in [n-m-1]\). Consequently \(e_k \geq \binom{n-m}{k-m}\).

Proof. Since \(B \vec{1} = \vec{0}\), we know \(\vec{0} \in \conv(B)\), so in particular there exists an embracing \(\Delta \in \binom{B}{m+1}\) by Carathéodory’s theorem. Now we design the lifting map so that \(\beta_\Delta = i\); this proves \(h_i \geq 1\). We may design different maps for different \(i\)’s, and repeat the same argument. Plugging this into (\(*\)) and simplify, we get a lower bound for \(e_k\). ∎

Now comes the real business. We will prove three properties of the \(h_i\)’s, which then easily leads to an upper bound.

Lemma 16. The counts have symmetry \(h_i = h_{n-m-i-1}\).

Proof. We replay the whole argument but replacing “top” with “bottom”. We call the (new) counters \(h_i'\). Using the same lifting map, we see \(h_i' = h_{n-(m+1+i)}\) because “\(i\) points below” is the same as “\(n-(m+1+i)\) points above”. But on the other hand \(h_{0 \dots n-m-1}'\) is determined by \(e_{0 \dots n}\) via a counterpart relation of (\(*\)), so \(h_i' = h_i\). Combining the two concludes the proof. ∎

Lemma 17. Removing a point from \(B\) does not increase the counts: \(h_i(B \setminus \set{\vec{b}}) \leq h_i(B)\).

Proof. Let us see what happens to an embracing \(\Delta \in \binom{B}{m+1}\) after we remove \(\vec{b} \in B\).

So the count \(h_i\)

Counting the cases individually is feasible but tiring. Instead, we exploit the flexibility of lifting map: Design the lifting so that \(\vec{b}\) is sufficiently high above, and the “increase” case simply cannot happen. ∎

Lemma 18.

\[\sum_{\vec{b} \in B} h_{i-1}(B \setminus \set{\vec{b}}) = (n-m-i) \cdot h_{i-1}(B) + i \cdot h_i(B).\]

Proof. For an embracing \(\Delta \in \binom{B}{m+1}\), we inspect how many times it was counted towards LHS:

Theorem 19. \(h_i \leq \min \set{\binom{m+i}{m}, \binom{n-i-1}{m}}\).

Proof. We write

\[\begin{align*} (n-m-i) \cdot h_{i-1}(B) + i \cdot h_i(B) &= \sum_{\vec{b} \in B} h_{i-1}(B \setminus \set{\vec{b}}) \tag{Lemma 18}\\ &\leq n \cdot h_{i-1}(B). \tag{Lemma 17} \end{align*}\]

Moving terms around we obtain a recursion \(h_i \leq \frac{m+i}{i} h_{i-1}\). With the boundary condition \(h_0 = 1\), we see

\[h_i \leq \frac{(m+i)!}{i! \, m!} h_0 = \binom{m+i}{m}.\]

The theorem then follows from Lemma 16. ∎

Putting everything together

Theorem 20. (Upper bound theorem) The number of \(i\)-dimensional faces is exactly \(\sum_{i=0}^d \binom{i}{d-j-1} h_i\). In particular, the number of facets is

\[\sum_{i=0}^d h_i \leq \begin{cases} 2 \binom{n-d/2-1}{d/2-1} + \binom{n-d/2-1}{d/2}, & d \text{ even} \\ 2 \binom{n-(d+1)/2}{(d-1)/2}, & d \text{odd} \end{cases}\]

Sanity check. In the 2D case, it gives \(\#\text{facets} \leq 2 \binom{n-2}{0} + \binom{n-2}{1} = n\). In the 3D case, it gives \(\#\text{facets} \leq 2 \binom{n-2}{1} = 2n-4\). For general dimension, the order is \(O(n^{d/2})\). We don’t spot a conflict with our knowledge, and moreover the bounds are tight!

Proof. The proof sequence is best demonstrated by a picture:

We leave the details to the reader. ∎
