Face Lattice
$$ \newcommand{\aff}{\operatorname{aff}} \newcommand{\conv}{\operatorname{conv}} \renewcommand{\vec}[1]{\mathbf{#1}} $$

14 January 2022

Face Lattice

The main theorem gives us a global picture of a polytope, but the details remain vague when we zoom in. Many fundamental questions arise:

This chapter takes a glimpse on these questions. Throughout we consider the polytope \(P := \conv(S)\) with vertex set \(V\). Denote \(n := \lvert V \rvert\).

Basic Properties of Faces


Lemma 5. Assume \(\vec{p} \in P\). Then \(\vec{p} \in V \iff \vec{p} \not\in \conv(S \setminus \set{\vec{p}})\).

Proof. Denote \(R = \set{\vec{r}_1, \dots, \vec{r}_\ell} := S \setminus \{\vec{p}\}\); note that \(\vec{p}\) need not be in \(S\).

\[\begin{align*} \vec{p} \not\in \conv(R) &\iff \not\exists \vec{x} \geq \vec{0}: ~\begin{pmatrix} \vec{r}_1 & \cdots & \vec{r}_\ell \\ 1 & \cdots & 1 \end{pmatrix} \vec{x} = \begin{pmatrix} \vec{p} \\ 1 \end{pmatrix} \\ &\overset{\text{Farkas II}}{\iff} \exists (\vec{h},h_0): ~ \forall i \in [\ell], ~\vec{h}^\T \vec{r}_i + h_0 \geq 0, ~\vec{h}^\T \vec{p} + h_0 < 0 \end{align*}\]

The last condition basically says that there is a hyperplane \(H: \vec{h}^\T \vec{x} + h_0 = 0\) separating \(R\) and \(\vec{p}\).

Assuming the condition, we go forward and show \(\vec{p} \in V\). Not much work actually. We increase \(h_0\) until the “<” becomes “=”; the “≥” will also switch to “>”. This corresponds to shifting the hyperplane \(H\) until it hits \(\vec{p}\), by which time \(R\) is strictly contained on its positive side. In particular the polytope \(P = \conv(R \cup \set{\vec{v}})\) is also on the positive side. It remains to show \(P \cap H = \set{\vec{p}}\). To this end, for any point \(\vec{q} := \sum_{\vec{s} \in S} \lambda_{\vec{s}} \vec{s} \in P\) distinct from \(\vec{p}\), there must exist some \(\vec{r} \in R\) contributing \(\lambda_{\vec{r}} > 0\). But then \(\vec{q} \not\in H\) since \(\vec{r} \not\in H\).

The converse direction is essentially moving backwards line by line. We leave the verification to the reader. ∎

Corollary 6.


General Faces

Lemma 7. Every face \(F\) of \(P\) is a polytope. Moreover, we can easily write down its

Proof. Using H-description, the intersection of \(P\) with any hyperplane is still an H-polytope. So in particular every face is a polytope.

For the remainder of the proof, assume \(F = P \cap H\) for some supporting hyperplane \(H: \vec{h}^\T \vec{x} + h_0 = 0\). We denote \(V' := V \cap F = V \cap P \cap H = V \cap H\).

Corollary 8. The total number of faces is at most \(2^n\).

Proof. Because each face \(F\) identifies a vertex set \(V(F) \in 2^V\) and the mapping is injective. (Remark: in general it is not surjective.) ∎

In fact the argument could be extended to bound the number of faces in a specific dimension:

Proposition 9. The number of \(i\)-dimensional faces is at most \(\binom{n}{i+1}\). Consequently, the total number of faces is upper bounded by \(\sum_{i=-1}^{d} \binom{n}{i+1} = O(n^d)\) provided \(\dim(P) \leq d\).

Proof. First we note that if \(\dim(F) = i\) then \(\lvert V(F) \rvert \geq i+1\). This is proved by

\[i = \dim(\aff(F)) = \dim(\aff \conv(V(F))) = \dim(\aff(V(F)))\]

and using Corollary 3. So we could map \(F\) to an affinely independent vertex (sub)set \(\Psi(F) \subseteq V(F): ~\lvert \Psi(F) \rvert = i+1\). We ask you to check that \(\Psi\) is injective. ∎

Lemma 10. Let \(F, G\) be two faces. Then \(F \cap G\) is again a face with vertex set \(V(F) \cap V(G)\).

Proof. To show that \(F \cap G\) is a face, we mix the supporting hyperplanes of \(F\) and \(G\) (just as we did in Lemma 7) to get a supporting hyperplane of \(F \cap G\). The detail is left as an exercise. The claim on vertex set follows easily from Lemma 7:

\[V(F \cap G) = V \cap F \cap G = (V \cap F) \cap (V \cap G) = V(F) \cap V(G). ∎\]


Exercise. Prove that a \(k\)-simplex has \(2^{k+1}\) faces. (Hint: Find out the facets, then use Lemma 10 to generate other faces.)

The Face Lattice

There are some subtle questions that we did not touch:

They point us to study a whole hierarchy of faces, namely the face lattice. We begin with some poset theory.

Definition. A lattice \((L, \leq)\) is a partially ordered finite set with the following properties:

Exercise. Show that

Fix a lattice \(L\), we shall use the shorthand \(L[a,b] := \set{z \in L: ~a \leq z \leq b}\). Observe that it is a lattice, too. We call a lattice graded if every maximal chain in it has the same length; the property clearly carries to every sub-lattice \(L[a,b]\) as well. Hence we could define the height \(h(x)\) of an element \(x \in L\) as the length of maximal chain in \(L[\bot, x]\). Naturally, \(h(L) := h(\top)\).

A graded lattice has a highly layered structure. In its Hasse diagram, an arc always points from one layer to the layer immediately above.

Now we are ready to state an important structural theorem on face hierarchy.

Theorem 11. Let \(L\) be the face set of polytope \(P\), then \((L, \subseteq)\) is a graded lattice with minimal element \(\emptyset\) and maximal element \(P\). Moreover, for faces \(F,G \in L\),

Proof sketch. We sacrifice some formality to convery the main idea. But to this point, we have gained sufficient experiences to fill out a complete proof.

The maximum and minimum elements should not need explanation. To see the “unique meet” property, note \(F \cap G\) is bigger than (i.e. contains) any face that are smaller than (i.e. contained in) both \(F\) and \(G\). Since \(F \cap G \in L\) by Lemma 10, it is the unique meet we are looking for. These facts proves that \(L\) is a lattice.

Next we move on to attack the second item. A simplifying assumption is on track. We know that \(L[\emptyset,G]\) is a lattice, but it is not only an arbitrary lattice. It is the face lattice of \(G\) by Lemma 7. Therefore, we may assume \(P = G\) without changing the structure of the interval under inspection.

Then we proceed by induction on \(\dim(F)\). In the base case \(\dim(F) = -1\) (i.e. \(G = \emptyset\)), the claim is clear. In the induction step, we take an arbitrary vertex \(\vec{v} \in V \cap F\) and “cut it off” from \(P\) by a sufficiently close hyperplane \(H\). The cross section \(K := P \cap H\) is again a polytope. Its faces one-one correspond to the faces in \(P\) that touch \(\vec{v}\); even more importantly, they are one-dimensional lower. (See the illustration below.)

face lattice

Hence \(L[\set{\vec{v}}, P]\) is isomorphic to the face lattice of \(K\), which we denote as \(L_K\). Since \(L[\set{v},P] \supseteq L[F,P]\), the lattice \(L_K\) contains an isomorphic copy of \(L[F,P]\) – but again, the counterpart of \(F\) in \(L_K\) is “one level closer” to the bottom. So we may apply induction hypothesis to conclude.

face lattice

Finally we may prove by easy induction that the lattice is graded and has the height function as described. ∎

As an immediate consequence, we know that every \(i\)-dimensional face can be generated by intersection of two \((i+1)\)-dimensional faces. So the set of all facets of a polytope actually encodes a complete description of all faces! With little work we see the following:

Corollary 12. A polytope is simplicial as long as all its facets are simplices.

Proof. By what we discussed just now, any face can be generated by intersections of facets – which by assumption are simplices. Using Lemma 7, the vertex set of any face consists of affinely independent points, so the face is a simplex. ∎
