Fast construction of Delaunay
$$ \newcommand{\dt}{\mathcal{T}} $$

15 February 2022

Fast construction of Delaunay

As we have seen, the Delaunay triangulation of a point set \(S \subseteq \Real^2: \lvert S \rvert = n\) can be constructed by repeatedly applying Lawson flips on an initial triangulation (e.g. scan triangulation). The algorithm invokes at most \(\binom{n}{2}\) Lawson flips and, if implemented appropriately, runs in \(O(n^2)\) time.

This appendix describes a randomised algorithm that constructs the Delaunay triangulation in \(O(n \log n)\) expected time. The idea is as simple as it could be: insert the points in a random order and build the Delaunay triangulation incrementally.

To avoid corner cases, we assume general position and introduce three dummy points \(a,b,c \in \Real^2\) that emcompass \(S\). They should be “far away from \(S\)” in the following sense: For every boundary edge \(pq\) of \(\operatorname{conv}(S)\) we find an empty circle \(C_{pq}\) that goes through \(p\) and \(q\) only (which clearly exists); place \(a,b,c\) so that they do not lie in any of these circles. Our choice of \(a,b,c\) ensures that the Delaunay triangulation of \(S\) is preserved in the Delaunay triangulation of \(S \cup \set{a,b,c}\) (recall Lemma 26), so we may recover the former by removing dummy points from the latter.

dummy vertices

Outline of the Algorithm

Though apparently correct, the algorithm requires careful implementation and time analysis, which spans the rest of the appendix. We will first describe a systematic approach to organise the Lawson flips, and then go back to tackle the harder “locating triangle” step.

For clarity of our exposition, we denote by \(\dt_i\) the (Delaunay) triangulation when round \(i\) is finished; it is determined by our random choices of \(p_1, \dots, p_i\). In fact it is the set \(S_i := \set{p_1, \dots, p_i}\) that matters, as opposed to the specific ordering. For example, if we know \(S_3 = \set{(0,0),(1,0),(5,2)}\) then \(\dt_3\) is already uniquely determined, no matter which one of the 3! permutations took place. Keep this fact in mind as we need it everywhere in the time analysis.

Systematic Lawson Flips

Let us observe the execution of round \(i\):

Round i

Here we purposely classified the edges into three categories:

We now justify our use of colours in the middle illustration.

Algorithm and correctness

In the algorithm we keep the dangerous edges in a queue, test them one by one, and perform a flip when necessary. After a flip, some tame edges turn dangerous and thus we append them to the queue. The procedure repeats until the queue is depleted.


The loop maintains the following invariants:


Proof. Exercise. (Hint: show the last item first.) ∎

Building upon these, we could prove the following crucial point.

Claim. If a dangerous edge \(xy\) passed the weak Delaunay property test at some time, then the property continues to hold throughout the remaining loop.

Proof. As in the algorithm, let \(\Delta' := xy p_i\) and \(\Delta'' := xyz\) be the two incident triangles of \(xy\) at the moment when it passed the test. We observe that the edges \(p_i x, p_i y, xz, yz\) will stay where they are throughout the remaining loop. Indeed,

So the incident triangles of \(xy\) are always \(\Delta', \Delta''\), and the claim follows. ∎

The claim means that each dangerous edge requires a one-pass check only. This justifies our queue-based approach.

Running time

The running time of retriangulation + flips in round \(i\) is exactly \(\deg_{\dt_i}(p_i)\), the number of safe edges in the “finished picture” \(\dt_i\). In general \(\deg_{\dt_i}(p_i)\) could be large, but on average the quantity is small enough:

Lemma I. \(\Exp(\deg_{\dt_i}(p_i) \mid S_i) \leq 6.\)

Proof. Under the condition, \(\dt_i\) is uniquely determined, and \(p_i \sim \mathrm{Uniform}(S_i)\). Its expected degree is exactly the average degree of the planar graph corresponding to \(\dt_i\). So this number cannot exceed 6. ∎

Corollary. The expected time of retriangulation + flips in all \(n\) rounds is at most \(6n\). ∎

Locating a Point

At the beginning of each round \(i\), how do we quickly locate the triangle \(\Delta \in \dt_{i-1}\) that encompasses \(p_i\)? Clearly we need some sort of spatial indexing structure reminiscent of Kirkpatrick’s hierarchy. Adding yet another complication, the structure must support dynamic augmentation as well. These considerations lead to a structure called history graph which tracks and organises all triangles the algorithm ever created. In fact, the history graph completely contains the Delaunay triangulation \(\dt\), so there is no need store the latter separately.

The history graph

The history graph \(H\) is a directed acyclic graph. Each node in \(H\) represents a triangle. Initially \(H\) contains only the “big triangle” \(abc\). As the algorithm progresses, the history graph grows.

Whenever the algorithm intends to break a triangle into three pieces, or to replace two adjacent triangles by their “flipped” counterparts, we do not actually perform the operations. Rather, we keep the old triangles still in the history graph but add some descendents:

History graph

This way, the leaves (i.e. nodes with zero out-degree) of the history graph after round \(i\) (which we denote \(H_i\) from now on) constitutes exactly the Delaunay triangulation \(\dt_i\).

Now, locating \(p_i\) is a piece of cake: Start from the root of \(H_{i-1}\) and move to one of its (two or three) children that encompasses \(p_i\); repeat the search until we reach a leaf.

Running time

It remains to bound the (expected) running time of the search. A first attempt would be bounding the expected height of the history graph by \(O(\log n)\). But this turns out to be very hard, if ever possible. Our real approach is more sophisticated which carefully aggregates all \(n\) rounds.

In our search for \(p_i\), the time cost is proportional to the number of triangles \(\Delta \in H_{i-1}: p_i \in \Delta\) since each node in the history graph has out-degree at most 3. So the total running time for all \(n\) rounds is measured by

\[\begin{align*} T &= \sum_{i=1}^n \sum_{\Delta \in H_{i-1}} \mathbb{1}[p_i \in \Delta] \\ &= 1 + \sum_{i=2}^n \sum_{j=1}^{i-1} \sum_{\Delta \in H_j \setminus H_{j-1}} \mathbb{1}[p_i \in \Delta] \end{align*}\]

where the second line refines the count by distinguishing from which round the triangles originated. Let us partition

\[\begin{align*} \class{A}_j &:= \set{\Delta \in H_j \setminus H_{j-1}: \Delta \in \dt_j}, \\ \class{B}_j &:= \set{\Delta \in H_j \setminus H_{j-1}: \Delta \not\in \dt_j}. \end{align*}\]

Then the running time could be further refined as

\[T = 1 + \sum_{i=2}^n \sum_{j=1}^{i-1} \left( \sum_{\Delta \in \class{A}_j} \mathbb{1}[p_i \in \Delta] + \sum_{\Delta \in \class{B}_j} \mathbb{1}[p_i \in \Delta] \right).\]

It is worth mentioning our motivation for the partition. \(\class{A}_j\) contains the triangles that originated from and survived round \(j\). They are more concrete to argue about due to their presence in the Delaunay triangulation \(\dt_j\). On the contrary, the triangles in \(\class{B}_j\) are transient and somewhat implicit.

Luckily we could move the costs of \(\class{B}_j\) onto \(\bigcup_{k=1}^{i-1} \class{A}_k\). To do so, let us ask why a triangle \(\Delta\) is in \(\class{B}_j\). Well, because it was flipped away in the same round \(j\) in which it was created. But why was it flipped away? There must be a (unique) witness \(\Delta^*\) adjacent to \(\Delta\) such that \(p_j \in C_{\Delta^*}\).

Witness triangle

Observe that the witness \(\Delta^*\) is outside the dangerous polygon region at the moment of the flip, so it did not originate from round \(j\). Hence it must have survived at least one previous round, namely \(\Delta^* \in \class{A}_k\) for some \(k < j\).

Given this fact, we may now move the cost of \(\Delta \in \class{B}_j\) onto \(\Delta^* \in \class{A}_k\). Note that any triangle could be a witness at most once, since it is flipped away immediately after the first witnessing. Hence we derive

\[\begin{align*} T &\leq 1 + \sum_{i=2}^n \sum_{j=1}^{i-1} \left( \sum_{\Delta \in \class{A}_j} \mathbb{1}[p_i \in C_\Delta] + \sum_{\Delta \in \class{B}_j} \mathbb{1}[p_i \in C_\Delta] \right) \\ &\leq 1 + 2 \cdot \sum_{i=2}^n \sum_{j=1}^{i-1} \sum_{\Delta \in \class{A}_j} \mathbb{1}[p_i \in C_\Delta] \\ &= 1 + 2 \cdot \sum_{j=1}^n \sum_{i=j+1}^{n} \sum_{\Delta \in \dt_j} \mathbb{1}[\Delta \in \class{A}_j] \cdot \mathbb{1}[p_i \in C_\Delta]. \end{align*}\]

So by linearity of expectation we have

\[\Exp(T) \leq 1 + 2 \cdot \sum_{j=1}^n \sum_{i=j+1}^{n} \Exp \left( \sum_{\Delta \in \dt_j} \mathbb{1}[\Delta \in \class{A}_j] \cdot \mathbb{1}[p_i \in C_\Delta] \right). \tag{$*$}\]

Lemma II. For any fixed \(1 \leq j < i \leq n\), we have

\[\Exp \left( \sum_{\Delta \in \dt_j} \mathbb{1}[\Delta \in \class{A}_j] \cdot \mathbb{1}[p_i \in C_\Delta] \right) \leq \frac{12}{j}.\]

Corollary. \(\Exp(T) \leq 1 + 24 \cdot \sum_{j=1}^n \frac{n-j}{j} = O(n \log n).\) ∎

Proof of Lemma II.

Let us condition on \(S_j\). Then

Therefore we may write

\[\begin{align*} \Exp \left( \sum_{\Delta \in \dt_j} \mathbb{1}[\Delta \in \class{A}_j] \cdot \mathbb{1}[p_i \in C_\Delta] \middle| S_j \right) &= \sum_{\Delta \in \dt_j} \Pr(\Delta \in \class{A}_j \land p_i \in C_\Delta \mid S_j) \\ &\leq \frac{3}{j} \sum_{\Delta \in \dt_j} \Pr(p_i \in C_\Delta \mid S_j) \\ &= \frac{3}{j} \sum_{\Delta \in \dt_j} \Pr(p_{j+1} \in C_\Delta \mid S_j). \end{align*}\]

The last line follows from the fact that both \(p_i\) and \(p_{j+1}\) are uniformly distributed on \(S \setminus S_j\). Now we eliminate the condition and yield

\[\begin{align*} \Exp \left( \sum_{\Delta \in \dt_j} \mathbb{1}[\Delta \in \class{A}_j] \cdot \mathbb{1}[p_i \in C_\Delta] \right) &\leq \frac{3}{j} \Exp \left( \sum_{\Delta \in \dt_j} \mathbb{1}[p_{j+1} \in C_\Delta] \right) \\ &= \frac{3}{j} \Exp \left(\deg_{\dt_{j+1}}(p_{j+1}) - 2 \right) \\ &\leq \frac{12}{j}, \tag{Lemma I} \end{align*}\]

and the proof is complete. ∎
