$$ \newcommand{\r}{\color{red}} \newcommand{\b}{\color{blue}} \newcommand{\compl}[1]{\overline{#1}} $$

30 July 2023


Call a graph \(G\) reducible if it has a component whose complement is disconnected. In this case, \(G\) reduces to graph \(G_1\) after complementation of such component. Let us reduce iteratively whenever possible; this yields a sequence \(G \to G_1 \to \cdots \to G_t \to G'\). Clearly the end result \(G'\) does not depend on the choices made at the intermediate steps. We call \(G\) a cograph if \(G'\) consists of isolated vertices.

To put it simple: Cographs are those reducible to isolated vertices via repeated component complementations.

Examples. \(K_n\) (the complete graph), \(K_{n,m}\) (the complete bipartite graph) and \(C_4\) (the cycle of length four) are cographs.

Counterexample. \(P_4\) (the path of length three) is not a cograph as it is irreducible: The complement of its only component is \(\overline{P_4} \cong P_4\), which is connected.

So \(P_4\) is the smallest counterexample, but actually it captures all counterexamples! We call a graph \(P_4\)-free if it does not contain \(P_4\) as an induced subgraph.

Theorem. \(G\) is a cograph ⇔ \(G\) is \(P_4\)-free.

Proof. (⇒) Any induced subgraph of \(G\) must be a cograph as well (using the same reduction sequence but restricted to the vertices of interest). Hence \(P_4\) cannot appear as an induced subgraph.

(⇐) We show two claims:

  1. A graph \(H\) is \(P_4\)-free iff \(\compl{H}\) is \(P_4\)-free.
  2. If a connected graph \(H\) on at least two vertices is \(P_4\)-free, then \(\compl{H}\) is disconnected.

Assuming both, every non-singleton component in \(G\) is reducible (by claim 2), and the graph stays \(P_4\)-free after the reduction (by claim 1). So eventually we can grind all components down to singletons, meaning that \(G\) is a cograph.

The proof of claim 1 is easy: \(H\) contains an induced \(P_4\) if and only if \(\compl{H}\) contains an induced \(\compl{P_4} \cong P_4\).

To prove claim 2, we restate it in an apparently equivalent form:

  1. Fix any red/blue edge colouring of \(K_n \, (n \geq 2)\) such that the red and blue (spanning) subgraphs are both connected. Then the red subgraph contains an induced \(P_4\).

We apply induction on \(n\). For \(n = 2\) the claim is vacuous. For \(n \geq 3\), let us remove an arbitrary vertex \(v\), so we are left with \(K_{n-1}\). If its red subgraph contains an induced \(P_4\) then we are done. Otherwise by induction hypothesis, one of its two subgraphs, say red, is disconnected. (If the blue is disconnected then we simply switch colours below.)

Now let \(A, B\) be two components in the red subgraph of \(K_{n-1}\). Hence all the edges in between \(A\) and \(B\) are blue. Adding vertex \(v\) back to the picture, it must have

Let us partition \(A\) into

\[\begin{align*} A_1 &:= \{ a \in A : {\b va \text{ is blue}}\} \neq \emptyset, \\ A_2 &:= \{ a \in A : {\r va \text{ is red}}\} \neq \emptyset. \end{align*}\]

Take \(a_1 \in A_1\) and \(a_2 \in A\) such that \(\r a_1 a_2\) is red. This is always possible because \(A_1,A_2 \subseteq A\) are connected via red edges. Take \(b \in B\) with \(\r vb\) red. Then the path \(a_1 a_2 v b\) is red; its complement \(v a_1 b a_2\) is blue. So the red subgraph (as well as the blue subgraph) contains an induced \(P_4\). ∎

We can also characterise cographs in a more algebraic fashion. Instead of “iterative top-down reductions”, we may define cographs as those generated “bottom-up” via the following rules:

It is obvious that the two definitions are equivalent. We leave it as an exercise to prove that cographs can be generated by an alternative set of rules:

Here joining two graphs \(G,H\) means connecting every pair of vertices \((u,v) \in G \times H\).

From these characterisations we immdiately have

Corollary. \(G\) is a cograph ⇔ \(\text{modular-width}(G) \leq 2\) ⇔ \(\text{clique-width}(G) \leq 2\)

Proof. We show a loop of implications. If \(G\) is a cograph then it can be generated from isolated vertices by unions and joins. This provides a modular decomposition of width two, thus the modular width is at most two and the clique width can only be smaller. Finally, if \(G\) has clique width at most two then it must be a cograph: otherwise it would contain an induced \(P_4\), which by itself has clique width three already. ∎
